by Alan Phillips, J.D.
Vaccine Rights Legal Expert
[~500 words, 2 min read. Added March 18, 2021]

          Hiding vaccine truth from the masses involves a multitude of individual tactics, but they all fall under two broad categories:

1) Exclusion of factual information from the primary information delivery systems, including mainstream media, social media, and authoritative health information sources; and

2) Psychological Warfare, achieved primarily through perception manipulation that causes people to reject truthful information unviewed. This includes discrediting truthful information; tactics to distract, confuse and mislead; and implanting false narratives that are believed and actively supported by well-meaning, good people who are simply unaware that they’ve been manipulated. For more about how this works, see "Psychological Manipulation Explained" at External link opens in new tab or window For examples of disinformation used to manipulate the aware community, see "Vaccine Legal Disinformation" at External link opens in new tab or window

          What starts each vaccine aware person on their path of awakening is the realization that they’ve been lied to, that we’ve all been deliberately deceived for nefarious purposes. But each person can only go down that path at a rate that their particular psychological make-up will allow. Trying to bring someone fully up to speed can cause them to shut down, as voluminous information overwhelms people new to the issue. They just don’t have the “space,” psychologically, to take it all in. The idea that such widely believe information could be wrong is, well, a bit shocking to the system, a but much to take in all at once. But the good news is we don’t need to bring anyone up to speed all at once, we only need to get them started on their awareness journey, because once you can see and accept that you’ve been lied to, there’s no turning back.

          The goal with raising awareness, then, is simply to get people started. And it only takes one piece of information realize you’ve been lied to! So, the most effective means of raising awareness is, usually, also the simplest. Start with no more than one page, including references. Present a few concise, irrefutable, primary points with mainstream references. The goal is only to get people to see that they’ve been lied to. From there, it’s up to them.

          Finally, people don’t like to be wrong. It's embarrassing, potentially humiliating--bottom line, it's uncomfortable. But this is what's communicated when you assert new facts to people who believe something else. So, consider asking questions instead, to lead them where you want them to go, as many will respond more favorably to that. “Do you know how much money the government paid out last year for vaccine injuries and deaths?” A question invites the person to see for themselves, and ultimately, that’s what everyone has to do, to “take in” such an enormously, ugly truth. We just can’t replace another’s journey with our own on this issue.

          My favorite points for introducing the vaccine controversy, generally, are below, but others may work better depending on the specific situation; this is just an example. (Permission granted to copy and share freely!)

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[last updated 3-18-21]

1.     The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has paid out billions for vaccine injuries and deaths in the U.S.:
          a.     $ 4.5 billion, FYs 1989-2020 (as of March 1, 2021; figure updated monthly)
          b.     $ 235 million/year (10-year FY average 2011-2020)

     Source: HRSA, Vaccine Injury Compensation Data (revised monthly): External link opens in new tab or window

2.     U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS): “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported," despite federal law reporting requirement.


     a) U.S. DHHS, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, "Electronic Support for Public Health--Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)," Results p. 6.,
     b) The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA), 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-1 et seq.,
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3.     Vaccine manufacturers have virtually no liability for vaccine death or disability, thus no financial incentive to make safe vaccines.

     a) NCVIA (see 2.b) above)
     b) Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC , 562 U.S. 223 (2011),
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4.     90 - 95% of 20th century childhood infectious disease mortality decline preceded the introduction of vaccines.

     Source: graphs of government childhood infectious disease data, External link opens in new tab or window

5.     Pharmaceutical Company Fines:
     a. 2001 - 2017: 55 fines in the $100 million - $3 billion range.
     b. $1 Billion Criminal Fines: Pfizer 2009, GlaxoSmithKline 2012
     c. $7.5+ Billion Criminal fine, Purdue Pharma, 2020

     Source: U.S. Department of Justice, External link opens in new tab or window


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